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Carrie has been a guest on a number of podcasts, sharing readings from each of her books. Listen to each full episode by clicking on the links below


Pen to Paper Press Podcast: Stepping Over Distractions & the Sacred Space to Write with Carrie Knowles

Distractions are everywhere. How do you deal with them? Carrie Knowles, award-winning author and educator, shares her experiences and insights on her choice to write and making a career of it. You will hear the backstories of several of Carrie’s books, how the Door of Hope relates to her family’s history, and the difference between a character-driven and plot=driven author. 


Travel Possibilities: Traveling the World as a Writer with Carrie Knowles

In this episode of Travel Possibilities, host Cali O'Connor talks with Carrie Knowles, who traveled all of the world with her family, balancing exploration, motherhood, and writing.


One More Thing Before You Go: That Thing About the Free Range Writer with Carrie Knowles

In this episode of One More Thing Before You Go, host Michael Herst has a conversation with Carrie Knowles who’s creativity has no boundaries and her dreams no fences. 


Born to Fly Podcast: How to Build a Selling Narrative with Carrie Knowles

In this interview with Jane Trapman, Carrie shares what she knows about building a narrative for your story. AFter writing 8 books, she knows a thing or two about his process.

Dementia Caretakers: The Unsung Hero’s, W/ Carrie Knowles

In this interview with Mike Riccio, you will hear the affects being a caretaker has on an individual, how they must transition into this role, and, equally as difficult, how they transition out of the role when the time comes.

Authoring Onward with Connie Dowell 

It’s character time! Just as Connie was getting ready to start a new mystery for the upcoming Mysteries, Midsummer Sun, and Murders anthology, she interviewed Carrie Knowles about creating and developing characters.They had a wonderful chat about the importance of character development, finding inspiration for characters, creating nonhuman characters, and so much more.

Stories that Inspire Hope with Kornelia & Friends 

Carrie joins Kornelia Stephanie on her podcast to talk about her journey as a writer and creator. ​

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Charlotte Readers Podcast: Craft Talk Series

Carrie joins Landis Wade on a special episode of Charlotte Readers Podcast. She shares ten of her nineteen tips on how to write stories from start to finish, drawing on A Self-Guided Workbook – And – A Gentle Tour on Learning How to Write Stories from Start-to-Finish.

Crushing Classical

Host Tracy Friedlander and Carrie discuss her new novel, A Musical Affair, and many other projects, tips, tricks and lessons including: Passion projects - where it comes from and how to bring them to the real world,  Self-started projects - how to start small, stick with them, and grow over time, Carrie's top tips for starting your own music festival or concert series, Carrie's most poignant lessons she learned from raising money - must hear, and so much *real talk* about self-presenting and starting your own projects... super valuable advice!​

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RDU On Stage

Carrie talks about her play, Ladies Are Waiting, which is part of Burning Coal Theatre's The 19th Amendment Project and is a collection of short plays written by some of the most accomplished women and/or non-binary playwrights working today, writing on the passage of the 19th Amendment 100 years ago and its ongoing impact. Eric Woodell of the North Carolina Theatre is co-producing Carrie's piece.

Charlotte Readers Podcast

Carrie returns to the podcast to read from her latest story, “The Inevitable Past.” 

"The State of Things" with Frank Stasio

Host Frank Stasio talks to Carrie about her passion for teaching and writing, the two books she has coming out later this year and how her degrees in psychology inform what she puts on the page. 

Charlotte Readers Podcast

Carrie joins host Landis Wade to read from her forthcoming novel, “The Inevitable Past,” her novella, “A Garden Wall in Provence” and several stories from her short fiction collection entitled “Black Tie Optional.”

Crushing Classical

Host Tracy Friedlander and Carrie explore the mindset and strategy that keeps you fulfilled and energized as a freelance writer. Carrie also mentions the upcoming launch of her book, Black Tie Optional.

Let's Talk Dementia

Carol Howell talks with Carrie about her book, The Last Childhood - A Family Story of Alzheimer's. The book is a true story of “life” -- life with dementia, life as a caregiver, life filled with happiness and sadness as well as frustrations and humor. 

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